Am I Right with God?

None is righteous, no not one… Romans 3:10, ESV


In the past I often found myself saying to God, “I just want to be right with you. I want to pray right; I want to do the work you have given me the right way. I want to be in alignment with you. Am I where you want me to be?”


The more I focused on those thoughts about being “right”, the more I would try and make myself right with God. Yet, as much as I worked, I never felt satisfaction in my heart. I would become confused and frustrated, and a feeling of hopelessness would settle into my spirit. That was because I could never work myself into right standing with God. Jesus is the only one who could do that for me. There is absolutely no work that any of us can do to get right with God.


Right standing with God comes through faith in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. No one can stake claim to righteousness based on his or her own obedience, for all have sinned and fall short of what God demands. The righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. We are justified by His grace as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by faith. For scripture teaches that Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness (Romans 4:2).


Satan wants us to believe that we have to work to get right with God. But God called us to believe in Him. When we accept Jesus as our personal savior, we become righteous instantly because His blood covers our sins. Righteousness never had to do with our works! I remember praying to God about doing the right thing and staying in right standing with Him and I heard the Holy Spirit say, “I know who you are, I created you. I know how to course correct you.” Over the years Jehovah has taught me that His focus has always been on my heart posture. When my heart was right, everything else lined up in accordance with His will. There was never a need to worry about my positioning with God.


He gave us righteousness as a free gift, and He will work with us individually to get us where He has ordained us to be through the reading and hearing of His Word. Praise God that we are all righteous because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. Amen!



Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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