
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
—Romans 12:2, ESV

Every time I walk in my backyard, the Holy Spirit begins to speak. I’ve come to expect His voice during these moments. One afternoon, as I sat down in my chair, the Holy Spirit said, “Do you see how that plant is struggling? It has some green on it, but you can tell it’s very airy. It should be just as dense as the plants to the right of it.”

The struggling plant was once completely full and thriving. It was planted in front of some trees. When it was first planted, the trees were small, and the sun shone directly on the plant, giving it everything it needed to grow. But now, the trees have grown tall and cast shade over the plant, preventing it from operating at its full potential. The plant is no longer in the right position to prosper.

The Holy Spirit revealed that the struggling bush was an example of people who are out of alignment. The bush had been doing so well in its position that no one realized it was time to move it. Similarly, we can thrive in a certain place for a time, but when God says it’s time to move, we often resist. By staying in a place longer than we should, we hinder ourselves and miss out on the amazing blessings God has prepared for us.

The other plants around the struggling bush were thriving because they were shade plants. Sometimes, we see others thriving around us and wonder why it’s not happening for us. The solution is to check in with God and ensure we are aligned with His will. Perhaps He has been trying to promote us to another place. We must not let the fear or intimidation of something new keep us from receiving God’s best. Amen.

Key Points:

  • Bloom where you are planted, but be ready to move when God says so.

  • You will prosper when you are in the right soil.

  • Posture yourself to always hear what God is saying.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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