Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical. Physical relationship divorced from spiritual is body without soul. Mahatma Gandhi
My son and I were having a great discussion when in the midst of him responding to a question, he quoted the statement above by Gandhi. My first thought was wow I am proud of this perspective. Later as I meditate on the statement, it hit me this is the only way we can have a relationship with God, this is what God wants us to have with Him. Many of us get so focused on what appears to be the urgent need in our life that we forget to even ask God about a deeper spiritual relationship with Him.
It seems natural that this would happen because we have grown up in such a “me” world. Think about it, we learned from the time we were babies that crying helped us feed our physical need. Studying hard in school gave us the grade we desired and once again fed that flesh. When it came time to excel in our working career, we put our physical foot forward working hard to make the income we wanted and get that next promotion. Everything we went after was to meet our physical need.
It is no wonder the world is in such turmoil, many have lost their soul. Satan has deceived us into believing that the only thing that matters is feeding this physical flesh. When the truth is we need the spiritual relationship with our Father more than anything. Jesus is consistently inviting us to have a relationship with Him. The Bible teaches us that Jesus is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. We cannot worship God with our flesh because He is spirit. The quote above says that Spiritual relationship is far more precious than physical in truth it is vital to our enteral life. The ending of the quote goes on to say Physical relationship divorce from spiritual is body without a soul…
If we go back to Genesis God said let us make man in our image and He created man. Man did not become a spiritual being until God breathed life into his nostrils. Without the breath of life, the spirit from our God the body was dead.
The same holds true today without relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we are dead. We are a spirit, that lives in a body with a soul(our mind, will and emotions) Without that relationship with our Creator we are dead.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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