The Test
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 1 Peter 4:12,ESV
I was so excited that the Holy Spirit had me up early in the morning praying from 3:00 am to 6:00 am. After prayer, I went back to bed for an hour and then I was up again to take a run! Oh what at wonderful day it felt like! I was home in time to go with my sister-in-love to her doctor’s appointment and then things started to happen.
Before we left my home, I felt the Holy Spirit say, “Take communion,” and so we did. Listen, everything after that seemed to be like an open door of attacks. I offered to drive my sister to her appointment and off we went to her doctor’s appointment. The appointment was only supposed to be about thirty, to forty-five minutes and I had several other items that I was planning to get finished after the appointment.
While driving across town, I could sense a spirit of anger and rage on people. We witnessed individuals honking and yelling at each other. We saw drivers racing around cars like crazy. Just down right angry folks! I began to pray for those on the road. While I was driving a motorist got so mad at us that he raced in front of us and slammed on his brakes so that we could hit his car. But God kept us protected. The spirit of the enemy had people in such a rage that they did not even recognize how they were behaving. I could feel that spirit trying to come upon me. With all my strength God helped me to hold my peace.
While at the doctor's office I sat with my niece just having a great conservation. But then I begin to feel the spirit of anxiousness come over me because we had now been waiting for over 2 hours! I was asking, “What is going on? Why is it taking so long?” About that time, my husband sent me a picture of our freezer with a puddle of water sitting on the outside of it. In this freezer I keep over a thousand cookies for my cookie business. The circuit breaker had tripped and the frozen food was beginning to thaw. I was extremely worried because I had a delivery of 360 cookies to make in two days!
I could feel the peace of God and joy in my soul being shoved away by the incidents that were occurring. My patience was wearing out. My husband called to talk about what was happening and the excitement in his voice concerning the cookies caused my heart to race! At some point I got off the phone and asked God for help. When I thought I was good, my sister-in-love came out of the doctor’s office walking straight to the car saying, “Let’s get out of here!” I knew then that the attack was on!
I could not feel any patience, joy, or the presence of God; but I knew he was there. I heard myself calmly say, “Let’s go to our next appointment and then get something to eat.” Although everything was going on around me, I felt the Holy Spirit guiding me. It wasn’t all joyful or wonderful, but I could feel God’s power keeping me. At the same time, all the thoughts about the things I needed to get finished were pounding in my head. However, I knew they were not going to get completed, but God was keeping me. I knew that my spirit was standing in a spiritual battle and that the Holy Spirit was guiding me.
Every day the enemy is looking to find a way to get us off track. He throws all kinds of fiery darts at us to tempt us to jump from our position. But as scripture says, we are not to be surprised at the fiery trail, but praise God that he has sent the Holy Spirit who is our helper and we have to cling to him. I can’t say that I rejoiced over the trial that day. I actually went home and just laid down. But I praise God that he kept and never failed me! My day was not as I wanted it to go, but because I know who holds my future, I knew that he had worked everything out for my good!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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