Testimony at the Hospital 

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; Matthew 9:37, ESW

I love being used by God. He always gives us opportunity to labor in the field if we say yes. Several months back, my niece and I went to a hospital in the emergency room to pray for those who were open to receiving prayer. We did so at the leading of the Holy Spirit. He told us where to go and once we were at the hospital he told us what to do.

Months passed and we had begun to feel that the Holy Spirit was leading us there again. We said that we would pray and see what we hear from God. He told us what hospital to go to and the date we were to be there. When we got to the hospital, we still did not have any direction as to where to go and who to pray for. 

It reminded me of Philip when the angel of the Lord told him to rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. [Acts 8:26] He did not receive any other instructions, but he followed what the angel told him. We followed what the Holy Spirit had prompted in our hearts. When we arrived at the hospital there were union workers protesting against something concerning the hospital. They had at least four of these five foot signs that spoke to their issue. There was a person standing next to each sign so a total of four people.

As we walked up to the hospital we had to pass them to get to the front door. As we were walking past them I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit on me very heavy. Every step I took passing them seemed to have gotten heavier. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Ask them if they want prayer.” But I kept moving and then this pressure came on me and I knew that I could go no further. I said to my niece, “We must go back and asked them if they want prayer.” 

The first person we asked said, “Yes!” But he then began to share with us his life. He needed us to understand where he was in his faith and how he was believing. Many of the things he  spoke about I had not heard of, but we just listened. We listened to him talk to us for about thirty minuets. At one point he apologized for taking up so much of our time, but we told him that God had sent us there for him. When he finished sharing his story, we explained Christ’s love and we asked him again, “How could we pray for him?” He gave us his answer and we prayed for him. After we finished praying we ministered to him a bit more by the direction of the Holy Spirit and he was fighting back tears. He was so full of God’s joy and his presence that he did not know what to say! We told him that God loves him so much that he sent us there to listen to him and to give him the message God had for him! We gave each other hugs and handed him a bottle of anointing oil and then we left. This individual was standing outside of the hospital needing God and I carried the message that he needed. I had walked right passed him.

Family we are God’s voice on the earth. If we do not move, how can others come to know him?

Key points:

Scripture teaches us to be slow to speak and quick to listen.

To harvest some fruit you have to be very gentle.

Pay attention to the prompt.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Testimony at the Hospital #3


Worry is a Thief