Moving in the Unexpected
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing”. Genesis 12:1-2, ESV
In the passage above, God is speaking to Abram (Abraham), telling him to leave everything that he has known and move to a place where God will bless him. Abram had lived many years in Haran. When his father left Ur, he was headed to the land of Canaan, but on his way saw Haran and chose to stay there. Abram’s father and relatives were still living there, but God was telling him to leave and go to the land of Canaan.
God had amazing plans and blessings for Abram, but there was a stipulation for him to receive what God had put in his heart: he had to leave everything he had ever known and trust God. It reminds me of when we send our children off to college. They have to leave everything they have ever known behind to receive the blessing that is waiting for them on their journey to adulthood. We are still taking care of them, and they can talk to us when needed, but they are in a world they know nothing about. They have to learn how to move on their own in life. God never left Abram, but it was time for him to walk in the promises of God - working to build a relationship with God on his own.
When God drops a vision in our heart of what He wants us to do, it is only for us. He wants to build a relationship with us individually, and His plan will bless us and bring glory to His kingdom. Many times, we are so excited and want to share what God has placed in our heart with others. But that is not always the best thing to do. Other individuals cannot comprehend what God is saying to us and might hindered us from moving in what God has called us to. God told Abram to move away from those around him and although he took his nephew Lot with him, God eventually separated them too. When this happened, God began to guide Abram into what He had promised him. Abram’s purpose was for him and him alone. It is vitally important that we make sure we are not allowing others to distract us from what God is calling us to do.
I have a dear friend who I admire because of her commitment to what God has called her to do. On Saturday’s she helps feed the unhoused with the community ministry at our church. One of the ladies from the Women’s ministry came up to her once and asked her if she would attend the Women’s conference on Saturday. She told the lady that she could not make it because the timing of the conference was in direct conflict with the unhoused ministry where she serves. The lady then turned to her and said, “I give you permission to leave that ministry for one Saturday and come join the women.” My friend just smiled graciously and did not answer. Even though both things were good, my friend knew what God had put in her heart to do. She stayed the course in what our Father had spoken to her.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for your presence and Holy Spirit that keeps us on track. We pray to immediately move when you say so and to walk habitually in alignment with you. We give you glory and praise in Jesus’s name, amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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