Harvest the Land

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” John 4:10, NIV

I remember how much time Jesus took with the opportunity to offer eternal life to the woman at the well. He did not waste time in his conversation with frivolous talk. He went straight to the purpose for which he was there. In the Bible, Jesus shows us that in every single conversation he had there was a purpose to draw men, women and children to the Father. He consistently said, “I only do what the Father does.” 

Our God is strategic and He has set us in place for specific purposes. I remember how my husband and I met this lovely couple through our daughter’s parent teacher night at school. The teacher happened to be from the same country as my father-in-law. God’s timing is always perfect! We became wonderful friends with this couple. After many months of going out to reggae concerts and hanging out with his wife, at one of the concerts she asked me about the Holy Spirit. Being at a reggae concert some people were smoking weed and you could smell it in the air.  However, God had ordained that moment and location for us to talk about him!

I love how God moves! We must not get so caught up in our surroundings and think that it is not a place for God. This whole world belongs to him and whenever and wherever He choses to have a discussion about Him we need to be ready!

Father, we praise you! Thank you for being our God and choosing us to be your hands and feet. We pray that we are always ready and don’t miss the opportunities that you give us to serve you. We give you glory and praise in Jesus’ name amen!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Expect Persecution


Something Greater