
Each one should use whatever gif he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its’s various forms. 1 Peter 4:10, ESV


God has given each one of us special gifts to serve in His kingdom. He has equipped us with all we need to serve in that capacity. We know that to be true just by listening to all the professional singers there are in the world. They all have the gift to sing, but they do it in their own unique voice which truly blesses those who hear them. At our church there are several pastors on staff. Each one of them can teach the word extremely well but they present the word in the way God has uniquely given it to them.


When God starts to reveal the gift that He has placed in you, it is not for you to compare with others. Don’t try to be like anyone else. We are all made with our very own DNA, which means we are supposed to be different, unique, and perfectly ourselves. Every gift that God has placed in you is for the purpose of sharing with others. It is not meant for you to keep it to yourself. Your gift helps the world become a better place and without it the world is missing a much-needed resource.


Let me encourage you with this: I have always loved writing. I would write on any blank page that I could get my hands on. I just love writing about whatever I experienced. I did not know writing was a gift from God to me. In the business world, most of my work would be rewritten over so much that I felt like I was a horrible writer. In truth, God was teaching me about my writing style. He was preparing me for this season of my life. I may have never meant to be a writer in the business world, but it did not mean I was not a good writer. It may appear that what you love to do is not working where you are right now, but be encouraged - God is preparing you for what He has for you in the next season.


Father, thank you for the perfect gifts that you have placed inside each one of us. You know the exact timing of when you want us to move in all that you have given us. May we stay encouraged and in faith as we walk with you into the manifestation of every good gift. To you be glory and praise. Amen!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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My recently published books are now available at:


In the Midst of Desperation


Abiding In Christ