Prayer of the Week


For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7, ESV


Thank you that I have no fear! I thank you that you made me fearless! I rebuke the lying spirt of fear that comes to deceive me from who I am! I praise you that I am full of the spirit of power, full of the spirit of love and the full of soundness of mind! Thank you that who I am has nothing to do with how I feel; this is who I am! My Master, my Lord, my God thank you for consistently reminding me that all of you lives inside of me so this is who I am!

I praise you for every gift you have poured into me. I pray that every spirit that is not of you that hits the battle ground of my mind will be immediately be defeated by the power you have placed in me. I thank you that your word is the offense and the defense of every battle that attempts to rise in my soul. I have the victory in Christ Jesus! Amen


Prayer of the Week


Prayer of the Week