Prayer for the Week
October 7th
Father, I magnify you for you are worthy to be praised! Hosanna blessed be the rock! Blessed be the rock of my salvation. I praise you for this moment. I praise you for the struggle. I praise you for the difficulty. I praise you for the pain. I praise you for what I don’t understand! I praise you for what I don’t have. I praise you for what I do not know. I praise you for you are my God! You are my king! You are my Lord you know everything! You are my provider, You are my healer, You are my deliver, You are my instructor, You are my way! You are right here with me in the midst of my sorrow. Lord, I give you praise! Your word says to praise you at all times so I lift my voice and I lift my hands and I praise you! Thank you for bringing me through! Thank you for lifting my heart, thank you for making a way, thank you for healing. Oh God thank you that you are so good. You are so kind and you never leave me. Thank you for the battle for it reminds me that I am in alignment with you! Hallelujah! Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, blessed be the rock of my salvation!
Father, I give you praise, you are so worthy of praise! I honor you Lord! I enter into your presence with thanksgiving. I thank you that I can enter into your presence. I thank you that you have made a way for me to be right here with you. To you be glory and praise. My heart is filled, my soul rejoices for I am in the presence of the all mighty God! Hallelujah! Lord you are king of this world. You are God of everything, everything comes from you! What an honor it is to sit and receive from you! What an honor that you would receive my praise!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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