Power of the Holy Spirit
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:4, ESV
When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior his Spirit came to live inside of me. Scripture says that the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and they were filled with the Spirit of Christ. The results of the Spirit were immediately seen.
This year our church is studying the Holy Spirit and I am excited to learn about him! During our season of fasting I said in my prayer to the Holy Spirit, “I am coming after you!” I want to understand you with all of my heart! I want to know you!
Early in the morning I was reading a book on the Holy Spirit. He began to show himself to me and what it was like for him to live in me. I had read about the baptism, indwelling and filling of the Holy spirit, but I did not grasp how that worked with my relationship with him.
He started to show me visions. The baptism of the Holy Sprit meant that I had a “new” environment. In the beginning when I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, he came to live in me. I saw myself moving into a used home that someone else had lived in. I then owned the home, but the previous people had left everything and it was really dirty inside! I had to get rid of all their old furniture, clean, repaint, replace appliances, redo the floors and bathroom. Everything had to come out. I started with the floors and had to work all the way through the rest of the house. Everything was a mess. I did not even want to stay in the place. The Spirit showed me that when he started living in me it was the same as living in the dirty house. When I had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, my environment had a new owner, but there was a lot of work to be done. The old owner had left everything. Satan had moved out of me, but he left me a mess!
The indwelling of the Holy spirit means the place where he lives. So, the Holy Spirit is indwelling in me. When I moved into to the new home, I am working on it daily. I am always doing something to keep it clean. He showed me that it was the same way with the Holy Spirit. All day, everyday, he is working and transforming us into a place that looks like his home. He is making our home look like him. So, we cannot judge our brothers and sisters because just like us there is work going on in the inside that we may never see on the outside.
The filling of the Holy Spirit means what the Spirit empowers me to do. I began to see the electricity in the home and how it powers the house. He showed me that if I did not understand how to use the electricity, I could not do very much with it in my house. I could not keep it cool, warm, or even turn the lights on to see at night. Although the house was mine and everything was available to me, it was useless. It was clean and looked nice, but nothing was happening. It could not serve the purpose I would need it to do.
He showed me that it is the same way with him. He empowered me with everything I needed to operate in the kingdom and to do all things he set before me. But because I did not operate with his power, I was not as effective for the kingdom. He showed me that if I learned how to use the electricity, I could be massive! The lights, fridge, stove, garage, heater and air-conditioning would all work and all of a sudden I would be powerful! When we sit with God and learn how to move with and operate in the power of the Holy Spirit we will see ourselves walking on water! God has designed each of us to be massive for the kingdom!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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