Prayer of the Week

Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. May every aspect of my body give you praise! Praise the Lord my tongue! Praise the Lord my blood! Praise the Lord my joints! Praise the Lord my cells! Praise the Lord my organs! Let every thing that consist of me praise his holy name! For he made every aspect of me. Without him we would not exit. Flesh give him praise! The Bible says that if I do not praise him the rocks would cry out. Father, all of me praises you! I worship your holy name!

Thank you for being my loving kind God. Thank you caring for every detail of my life. Thank you for knowing all my thoughts and still loving me. Thank you for the times when I didn’t know what to pray, but you prayed for me. Thank you for making me feel better in my spirit. Thank you for loving me in such a special way that no one else even knows. It is just you and me and I get to be so open and honest. Hallelujah! You love me just as I am and you say that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Even when I can’t see any good in myself. You keep reminding me of how special I am to you and how much you love me. Thank you Father! To you be glory and praise Amen. 

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Prayer of the Week


Prayer of the Week