It Is A Heart Thing

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13, ESV


I have often looked really hard for lost money and have searched really intently when looking for a new job. But for some reason I did not think it was necessary to seek God with all my heart in the past. I guess I thought that since God is always there, I had no real reason to seek Him with all my heart.


As I grew in my relationship with God, He taught me that I can have whatever kind of relationship I wanted with Him. It was up to me. I remember my younger sister, who is now with the Lord, always reading her Bible. She was always seeking God and I could tell she had this amazing relationship with Him. I wanted that same relationship, but at the time I did not understand that it required a sacrifice on my part. 


I wanted the relationship but I did not want to do the work. There is absolutely no way you can have a great relationship with anyone without putting in the time with that individual. I soon learned that spending time with God is truly more of a blessing than it is work. He wants to be found. He wants us to have an amazing relationship with Him. He created us so that He could enjoy each one of us individually and shower us with His love. Looking for lost money or finding a new job is actually harder work than seeking God, because God desires to have relationship with us!


I love having a relationship with my daughter and son. When they call, even if I am busy, I will make time to chat with them. How much more will God do the same with us when we seek Him with all of our heart?



Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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My recently published books are now available at:


Let Praises Rise


Blow My Mind