
I am the Lord; that is my name; my glory I give to no other…Isaiah 42:8, ESV


Glory, glory, glory! Yes! That is what rang out in my soul as I sat with my Father. He told me to close my eyes and imagine God. He said, “Just sit quietly with your eyes closed and see me.” As I saw Him in my thoughts, He began to open up my mind to really, truly see Him. All I could say was, “Glory, glory, glory!” My soul was overwhelmed with all the wonders of God! He said to me, “Imagine if that was all there was. Everywhere you look in your imagination, just see Me!”


As I started to see His presence in my mind, He said, “This is how it is to be. It has always been Me. There was nothing before Me and there is nothing after Me; It has always been just Me. I created you and everything in your world. Just like picking up a pencil and drawing a picture. That picture is drawn exactly as you see. In order to truly understand that picture, the one looking would have to talk to the artist.”


He then said, “It always surprises Me that when my people ask Me for help, they are always so surprised when I answer their prayer! I hear them say, “Look at God! He did it!” He said “That is because people don’t sit with Me long enough to know my character. If they spent more time with Me they would never worry about a thing. Tell them to spend more time with Me. Just like a parent does not like to see their children worry and be upset, I don’t like it either. I have handled their problems and provided for their every need. I want them to be at peace and enjoy all that I have ordained for them!”


God told me, “The life I give has great blessings, challenges, excitement, fellowship and is full of love from Me. Invite them to join Me. I really want them to experience all that I have for them. I am everywhere. Tell them they can see the effects of Me by just looking around them. Every single thing in the earth came out of me. I am God and I provide goodness, growth and challenges so that we can get to know each other before your season on this earth is up!”


Family, friends, and loved ones….if you have not yet had the opportunity to know God, He is waiting at the altar of your heart for you to invite Him in. Just ask Him and I can guarantee you that He will come in!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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REAL (the song)


I Just Want to be With You