Prayer of the Week

May 25

Gracious Father,

When I sat down to write this prayer, immediately the words, “blow my mind” began ringing in my ears. I knew that those word came from a song entitled, “God can do Anything,” by Vashawn Mitchell. Thank you for the reminder that we can ask you for anything. I am going to repeat some of the words of the song below in this prayer.

My eyes have not seen, my ears have not heard, I can’t even imagine what you have in store for me. I ask that you blow my mind! I ask that you do the impossible for me. I trust you God and I believe your word. I know that my prayers are heard. Thank you for putting this prayer into my spirit. Blow my mind and do the impossible! I praise you for what I am about to experience. I praise you for the doors that have just been opened. I praise you for this bold prayer. Thank you for expanding my territory and for giving me the opportunity to sit in this space to worship you! Hallelujah! My soul is lifted high and my heart is overwhelmed by you!

Not only because of what you are doing in my life, but because of whom you are and the love you have for me! My God I praise you! Like Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life!” My God, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you Lord! I sit in complete overflow knowing that nothing is impossible for you! To you be glory and praise amen.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Prayer of the Week


Prayer of the Week