Your Choice
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7
The first humans on earth were Adam and Eve. God had given them some instructions on how to live on the earth he created. He even told them the consequences of what would happen if they chose not to follow his instructions. We know that Adam and Eve were born with intelligence. They had a sound mind and were full of wisdom, power and love. They knew right from wrong. They knew sin, but had never felt the consequences of that sin. It reminded me of when I was offered recreational drugs in my youth. I knew that it would have had a bad effect on me, but the “choice” was mine to make. Thank God I chose not to take them! However, Adam and Eve made the decision to do their own thing and they went against God’s instruction.
So when they disobeyed God they locked man into sin and out of eternal life. No one else born through Adam and Eve would have the opportunity to free themselves of sin. Man was condemned forever. But our loving God knew that man would fall and had put a plan into place to offer us another chance at eternal life. Remember God told Adam that if they ate of the tree of “Good and Evil” they would die. So, the cost of sin is death. The only way others could be free from sin was that someone would have to live on earth without sinning and would have to die for all those who sinned.
Jesus said to God the Father, “I will go!” And God sent him through the Holy Spirit to be born of a virgin and to live on earth. He lived a righteous life without sin and encouraged others to accept his “new” way of life. In the end, he gave up his life for sinners and died on a cross for our transgressions. He paid the ultimate price for sin. When he did this, death could not hold him hostage because there was no sin found in him. So Jesus rose from the grave. He now offers anyone who wants to be born again through him eternal life. He is not speaking of a physical birth, but a “spiritual” birth. We all came through physical parents who were full of sin. Jesus offers man the opportunity to a new birth in him spiritually which will give man eternal life. We all know that when a person dies their spirit leaves the body. Jesus offers everyone a choice to where a man’s spirit eventually will reside; in eternal life, or eternal damnation. We now have the same opportunity that was given to Adam and Eve. We can “choose” where we want our spirit and our soul to live. We are not forced into this decision; it’s an option and we are invited to choose.
There are only two rulers in this world. “Satan” the ruler of the air and “God” the ruler over everything. Satan wants as many people as possible to go with him to eternal death. His focus is to deceive as many as possible from a life of eternal salvation. But God loves man so much, that he has done everything possible to offer man eternal life! God is not trying to deceive mankind; he is just bringing the truth to people and allowing them to make a decision. The choice is yours. I encourage you to choose life!
Dear God,
Please open my heart to understand you so that I can make the right decisions for my life. I ask that you will bring me clarity of thought, continuity of thinking and accuracy of the truth so that I can understand you and not be deceived by Satan. I thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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