The Storm will Pass
In our city there was a lot of talk about a big storm coming. The news outlets were telling everyone to get things put away because of the storm. They said that it would last for about a week. I decided to get up early and go jogging before the storm hit our city.
While I was out on my run I saw other people up early exercising and taking their walks. I noticed maintenance workers checking storm drains to ensure they were unclogged so that the rain water would not back up. Everyone was making preparation for this storm. While I was making my observation, I heard the Holy Spirit ask me, “What causes a storm?” I said, “I’m not sure, but as soon as I get back from my run I will look it up.”
When I got home, the thought was still in my spirit. So, I looked up what causes a storm on the internet. There were three things listed: moisture, unstable atmosphere and something to start the movement. While sitting there just thinking about how that worked, the Holy Spirit said, “You are the moisture. Believers are the moisture.”
My mind went back to the story of the Samaritan women who Jesus met at Jacob’s well. She was there to get water and Jesus told her that if she wished, she could have the “living water” from him. When we accept Jesus as our personal savior we have the “living water,” or the word of God on the inside of us.
Then God gave me a revelation. He said that we cause storms in our lives when we are obedient to him. We cause movement in the atmosphere and the moisture starts to shake things up. I saw the vision. When we were are not doing anything the Holy Spirit comes along and gives us an assignment. We say, “yes” and we start to move. Our moisture water starts to form rain drops and Satan starts to take notice. Remember he is the prince of the air. He starts to check to see what is going on and then everything stirs up into a storm.
When all kinds of crazy stuff starts happening in our lives, we wonder what is going on. We say to God, “I am doing what you said and now it seems like things are getting worse instead of better.” We shook up the atmosphere. Satan sees that he is about to lose territory because of this movement and he does whatever is necessary to try and stop the movement.
When we step out in faith we say, “no” to Satan. We have moved out of the place of complacency and into war against Satan with God’s protection. When David said, “no” to Goliath, he entered into warfare. They were all ready in a war, but no one was moving. David stepped up with his faith in God, five smooth stones and his slingshot. When David killed Goliath, the Israelites took off and conquered the Philistines. See, David was the “moisture” that caused the storm and brought victory to the Israelites. [1Samuel 17] When we move in faith with God, we stir up the atmosphere and the storm clouds start moving, but just like with David the storm passed and likewise you will also have the victory!
We can stand on God’s word; no matter what the storm looks like! You will always have the victory! Because Jesus has already conquered the world! Do not be moved by the storm, but know that in Christ you are on the winning side!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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