
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit… John 15:2, KJV


Many times, it’s hard to see the filth and impurity within us, but we can easily point out the fault in someone else. Scripture teaches that we need to remove the plank out of our own eye before we deal with the speck in our brother’s. In the scripture above Jesus is speaking with His disciples about those who are believers in Him. He tells them that every person that is within Him that is not bearing fruit, He purgeth. Even if you are producing fruit, you will be purged so you can produce more. Purgeth in Greek is kathairo, which means to cleanse of filth and impurity.


Purgeth: to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.


Scripture makes it clear that as believers we are constantly being cleansed. Although we study scripture and pray, there is an ongoing work that is being done in us so that we can produce fruit for the kingdom. The other day my husband and I stopped by a coffee shop and ran into someone we both knew. My husband chatted with the gentleman as I went inside to gather our drinks. When I came out, they were still in conversation, so I joined in. We were in discussion about the Word of God and in the midst of our conversation, I made a comment that countered something my husband had just said. My comment came across to my husband like I was the authority on the Bible.


The worst part about the whole conversation is that I did not even realize I had devalued my husband’s comment. Once we’d walked away my husband informed me of what I had done. I was shocked by what he said but as I listened, I understood. I was grieved by what I had done, and I immediately apologized to him and repented to God for my mistake.


God has a way of pruning pride, self-righteousness, and all those things that we can’t see within ourselves. My husband was the individual God used to prune me out of my self-righteousness. That behavior cannot be used to draw others to the kingdom of God. I did not mean any harm by my comment, and he even said it was a good one, but the way I said it was wrong and God will not tolerate that kind of behavior.


We are His vessels and when He cleanses us it will not feel good. Just like a gardener pruning a tree using sharp cutters to prune unruly branches - it’s the same with us. God has to cut the ugliness out of us so we can move in love. His greatest command is that we love. If we cannot walk in love, we are of no use to Him.



Thank you for loving me enough to correct me. Have your way with me so that I can be used by you to fulfill the purpose for which you brought me here to do. To you be glory and praise. Amen!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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