When God says move, it is not always comfortable. When he told Abraham to move, he had to pick-up and leave where he was comfortable to another region where he did not know anyone. When it was time for Esther to move, she was taken against her will by the king of Persia. But God’s plan was that she would become queen. When Joseph was being prepared to be second in command in Egypt, his brothers sold him into slavery.
When we say, “Yes” to God, we need to be ready for whatever he brings our way. Several weeks ago I was in my briefing room listening to the Holy Spirit when he gave me an assignment. I was uncomfortable and said, “Are you sure this is you speaking to me? Are you sure this is what you want me to do?” I did not hear another word. I knew the answer and I was very uncomfortable. God had given me a specific message to give to someone and I just felt like it was not my business. He did not tell me their business, but he sure put me in an awkward position!
I wrote down everything he said and I just let it sit there. It was 3:30 a.m. when I received the message. At noon I still had not sent it. Then I started to feel pressure on my spirit and I knew exactly what it was. I said, “Okay I will send it, but can you give me some confirmation that this is what you want?” I was told to send the message through a text to two people, so I did. I was so nervous about getting the message to the right individuals and making sure that it was going to the correct person, that I sent it to the wrong person! I immediately deleted the message! As I prepared to send it out again, the second person I sent it to called me and said, “I got your message,” and those same thoughts had crossed my mind about what God had given me to say.
We laughed as I shared about how nervous I was to send the message! Her phone call was God’s confirmation to me that I had moved according to his plan. He did not give me that confirmation until after I obeyed his instructions. I have always said, “God use me! I give all of myself to you!” When he choses to do so, I freeze. Ugh! ELOHIM, the creator of the world knows everything! We do not need to know his plans and we do not need to know the outcome. We just need to move when he gives us instructions. I believe those simple moments are tests for what is next. No matter who, what, or where God sends us, or gives us instructions, we are to move immediately!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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