Longing for Help
And he was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, and no one gave him anything. Luke 15:16, ESV
In the passage above Jesus is teaching the people who do not know him about compassion and love. He shares a parable about a father and a son. The son had left his father’s house with his inheritance and had gone off on his own. He has wasted away all he had. Now that he had nothing and there was famine in the land, no one would give him anything. When I read this scripture I could not help but think of the unhoused in our community. Most of them probably do not have rich fathers who could give them an inheritance that could be wasted away, but they are all in a situation where they need help.
Many times in the past when I would see the unhoused, I did not necessarily see the person. I saw the behavior of their condition and my thoughts immediately went to judgment. When judgement fills our heart, we can become callous towards individuals who need our help the most. I read somewhere that every time you sweep your soul clean with the word of God, you are seeking the lost. This is because the word of God transforms your heart and you begin to produce the fruit of God that draws those that are lost to you.
In the passage above this young man eventually comes to the realization that he has a rich father whom he could go to for help. Every single individual on the face of the earth has a rich father that they can go to. God is rich and he is our Heavenly Father! So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27. Unfortunately, everyone does not know that they have a father who is waiting to help them.
The question is, “Will we be there as God’s servant to bring the refreshment to those in need?” I heard this pastor say, “All those that were sick, hopeless, broken, and full of demons went to Jesus. If we have the light of Jesus in us, why are those not coming to us for help?” There are a whole lot of people longing for help. Are we too focused on ourselves and in doing so missing the opportunity to serve? Scriptures says, For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10
Father, I pray that the heart of every believer is so changed and transformed that the lost souls come running to us; because all they see is us is you! Hallelujah! We will know exactly what to do! In Jesus’ name, amen!
Key Points:
The harvest is ripe and ready.
Make sure your heart is ready to harvest the harvest.
The harvest is all around you.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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