It's’ On Its Way

This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time. Habakkuk 2:2-3, MSG

In the passage above Habakkuk was complaining to God about justice. God gave him a vision and told him to write it down and make a plan. Did you notice in the passage that it said, “the vision aches for coming, and it can hardly wait to get here?” I heard the Holy Spirit say those who do not have a vision, have nothing coming to them. We cannot complain about things not happening in our lives when we have not written what we are expecting to come our way.

I have a vision book that I look over daily. I may not read everything I have written in there, but it is a constant reminder of where I am headed and what is coming to me. At times I do get a little discouraged because it seems like things are taking awhile, but the other day the Holy Spirit pointed out that the scripture says, “If it seems slow in coming, wait. It is on its way!” Oh how those words right there lifted my soul! I took that scripture and put it in the front of my vision book to remind me to not get discouraged.

I want to encourage you, if you have not already done so do a vision board, book, or even put it on a wall. Whatever you have available, get the vision written down. Make sure that you can see it daily as a reminder of where you are headed. The Holy Spirit will guide you as to what to put down and he will give you scriptures to go with what he shows you. He will have you print pictures and add them to your vision board. 

I remember years ago when our children were toddlers I had put up a picture of Greece in our home. I told my husband one day that I wanted to go there. We had moved several times and I had no idea what happened to that picture. But many years later we went to that exact place that was in the picture! Now I had totally forgotten that I had put a picture up of Greece in our home so many years earlier. But when we returned from our vacation, our daughter asked us for some baby pictures of her for her job. I started looking through old photo books and in one of the pictures of our daughter as a toddler she was standing under the picture of Greece! I was blown away! The Holy Spirit wanted to remind me that the vision I had put up so many years earlier had come to pass! We visited the exact same place that was in the picture. It was a vision that seemed slow, but it came right on time!

Key Points:

No vision, no direction

No vision, nothing coming

When you have a vision, it is on its way

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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