God Is In Control

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 ESV

I got the opportunity to attend a special wedding in Florence, Italy. It was my first time going to Italy and I was so excited to attend this wedding. Just like most women I went on a hunt looking for a dress. Although I had several at home I could use, I started searching the internet for a dress. The first dress I found I really liked. I loved the color and it looked so elegant. I felt a peace from the Holy Spirit and I told my husband I was going to purchase that one. He said okay and off I went to buy the dress. When I pulled up my size online they were all sold out.

After that disappointing news, I decided I would wear a dress I already had. A couple months before the wedding we received an email from the bride and groom with a color pallet asking those attending the wedding to wear colors from that pallet because they were taking a big wedding party picture. I did not have any dresses in that pallet so I went shopping for a dress. The first dress God had shown me was in the color pallet but it was sold out and yet, I kept feeling like that was the dress I was supposed to wear.

Needless to say I went feverishly shopping for a dress and purchased one at a formal bridal shop. I was not all that excited about the dress but it was in the color pallet, so I bought it. I paid a substantial amount to have it altered. I felt like the Holy Spirit was telling me not to get this dress, but I did not feel like I had any other choice. Besides, we were on a short timeline. We were headed to Italy much earlier than the wedding so that we could take some time to tour it.

One week before we were to leave for Italy, my husband and I were at Men’s Warehouse and I saw the dress that I wanted to purchase in a picture they had on the wall. I pointed at the picture and showed my husband. He said to check the website and see if I could get it. When we got home I checked the website and they had one dress left in the color I wanted and one size left, mine!! I ordered the dress, they shipped it overnight and alterations were done three days before we were to leave for Italy. Later as I reflected on that experience God showed me that it was my inability to be patient and trust Him that took me all over the place. I ended up with the first dress God had shown me. I had prayed for direction. He had given it to me but because things did not appear to be answered I went off on this unnecessary journey instead of being patient and trusting God.

It does not matter what things look like, we must remember that our Father is in control.


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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My recently published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss




The Importance Of The Cross (5)