Blessed are the Forgiven

During my time of prayer with God I was seeking a word to feed my soul. As I was thinking about what to read, the Holy Spirit led me to a verse I had written in my journal…


How joyful is the person whose sins are forgiven, whose sin is covered (never seen). How joyful is the one who the Lord does not charge with iniquity and in whose spirit is no deceit. Psalm 32:1-2


As I thought about that scripture, I wanted to know the backstory of why David wrote this psalm. I found that as I read more of the psalm it explains David’s heart. He had not confessed the sins he had committed. He found that as long as he held on to it, it would eat away at him, and all of his strength would leave him. He says in v3-4…


For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.


When we continue in our sin and do not repent to God it will leave us heavy and broken. I remember when I was doing my own thing - sleeping around, running to parties, hanging out, trying to be cool. But when the next morning came there was this feeling of complete guilt. Though I knew right from wrong I wanted to live on my own terms. I can relate to David saying that day and night your hand was heavy on me. I would try and push away the promptings of conviction from God. He would not allow those convictions to go away (praise God!) which eventually led me to repentance. The hardest thing for me was asking for forgiveness, because I knew I was going against God’s word.


Satan tempts us into a life of sin, then lays a heavy guilt on us when we desire to turn to God for forgiveness. That is why David says pray to God immediately while He can be found. Because if we linger too long we will learn to ignore God’s promptings of convictions and will find ourselves washed away in the great flood of waters.


That is why David starts this psalms with how blessed are those whose sins are forgiven! There is no record of our sin when we ask for forgiveness. We are blameless. Satan can no longer eat at our hearts about our sin and cannot take it to God to condemn us! Hallelujah!!!



Thank you for just your unconditional love. Thank you for consistently moving our hearts toward change. We are ever grateful that you love us so much, and that even in our sin you work to draw us nearer to you. Hallelujah our King! To you be glory and praise!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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