
Today is tape day and of course I woke up with all kinds of crazy attacks in my head. When we have our minds set to do the work for which God has called us; we must expect the attacks. I don’t like the attacks. I don’t want the attacks, but they will always be there. This morning I took my communion and I gave everything to God.

I have learned that by taking communion for almost anything I set out to do brings that thing into alignment with God. When I take communion I am saying, “God I need your covering over this situation and I only want what you have prepared.” Scripture says that God knows everything about us. He knows exactly what we are going to say before we say it. Therefore, I believe the best way to move is to consultant the Master and seek his covering.

We all know that God is always with us, but when we take the step to acknowledge God in certain situations with communion, according to The Power of Communion by Beni Johnson

 “It is a Holy spirit-inspired physical action that disrupts the atmosphere. When we use Communion as a tool for intercession, we are not only realigning ourselves with Christ, but we are also proclaiming the reality of Heaven over every area of our lives.” Satan is always on the prowl and we can do something to disrupt his atmosphere!  

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Our Father