While Waiting
The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. Lamentations 3:25, ESV
I was in the doctor’s office waiting for the results from a test I had taken. During an earlier exam my gynecologist had felt a lump in my right breast and wanted me to have further testing. While I was sitting there waiting for the results my mind started to just wander into the most negative places possible. I heard myself say “Stop!” and began to pray, “God, I trust you. My answer to whatever the outcome is yes. I will walk whatever journey you put in front of me hand in hand with you.” I then started to pray under my breath in my prayer language.
I started to think about all those who do not have God as their source. My mind wondered to everyone who was just sitting, waiting for some kind of result, hoping for the best. I thought about their anxious feelings and what the enemy might be doing to their minds, and I continued to pray. The ultrasound technician walked in a few minutes later and said the doctor wanted me to take another test. She asked if I was okay with that, I said yes. I was moved to another room to wait for more imaging to be done. The Holy Spirit said to me, “I told you that you do not have cancer and there is no problem. Rest in me.” I responded, “Okay, God, then you must have me here for something. Who do you want me to encourage?” No sooner than I said that a lady walked in and sat not too far from me. She was not in the best mood and was having a difficult time. I just said “Hello”, and we joked with each other until it was her turn to be tested. After about 20 minutes I went in for the final imagining. When it was all completed, I was told that there was nothing to worry about. They just wanted to make sure that what they saw was nothing.
That journey of waiting was not easy, and prayer was hard because the enemy was working overtime to get my mind into the worst place. I love that in the midst of those moments if we let him God redirects our mind off of ourself and onto others. When my mind was off me, peace came to my heart. In your waiting season I invite you to thank God for where He has you and to seek His face for others in your situation. As you do this, He will free you with His perfect peace. Scripture says “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3).
Affirmations; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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