Wandering Mind
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28, ESV
In a devotional I was reading, the writer said that when you sit with God your mind will wander all over the place. I know that to be true. I used to work so hard to try and keep my mind focused on God! I spent more time trying to get my mind back to God than I ever did resting in God. One day I asked God for help. He told me to just let the thoughts come. He said not to fight them, but give them to Him. He said “I am clearing out your mind so it can be rid of distractions”. In those moments, He taught me to put on some inspirational instrumental music and that would help to bring peace to my mind.
God knows our desire to get close to Him. It is actually Him who put the desire in our heart. He knows Satan will try to bring all kinds of distractions to us. Remember scripture says that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. He went to sit with God and to get acquainted with the Holy Spirit. Jesus went into the wilderness full of the Holy Spirit but He came out with the Power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 3-4). Satan was right there to try to tempt Jesus in every way he could. When we decide to go sit with God, it is really us being led by the Spirit into the presence of God. He gives us that desire in our heart to meet with Him. Jesus says, No man can come to Me unless the Father who hath sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the Last Day. (John 4:44, KJV) We are literally being drawn by the Father. That right there is good news!
We can expect Satan to show up, but God never leaves us alone and with Him we always have the victory. There is no need for us to feel discouraged or defeated in our time with God. Even if all we did was pass our every thought to Him, God is good with that!! He said to give everything to Him. We must remember to let God drive our quiet time, He is the one who requested our presence in the first place. He always has something good to give us even if it is just clearing our mind! Hallelujah!
Thank you, Father, that you love us so much! Even in our time of study and quietness with you; You already know what is going to happen. I praise you, as we need not be disappointed that things don’t happen the way we would like. We are to give you praise in everything because you are working it all out for our good.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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