Right Now

At this moment, we are exactly where we are supposed to be. God is with us directing our steps and nothing in this moment is more precious than acknowledging Him. This instant is not an accident. Everything in this moment has been orchestrated for us. Many times we look at our situation and get discouraged by what we see or are experiencing, but God wanted to remind us the He is in the midst of this moment with us. Take a moment and reflect right now that you are in perfect alignment with Him!

When we are in perfect alignment with Him we find gratitude comes easy from our heart. We  must seek to develop the habit of thanking God for the right “now.” Our situation may not be as we would like, and we may not understand everything arounds us, but when we have gratitude for the gift of “now” it brings much peace to our heart!

Now: at the present time or moment.

Breathe deep and exhale, rest in the moment. You have just experienced the breath of your Creator. Now give Him every situation in your heart. Receive that your request has been answered and give thanks. That is the power of a right now moment with Him!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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