
I know very well how foolish it sounds to those who are lost, when they hear that Jesus died to save them. 1 Corinthians 1:18

I had read the scripture above in my quiet time and it melted in my heart. I knew I needed to write about it. I actually marked it on my notes so I would not forget. As a believer, God opened the eyes of my heart so I could understand who He is and how this world works. The scripture above makes it clear that the Bible and all of God’s words are foolish to non-believers.

The scripture made me think about how God opened the eyes of my heart to see and believe. From the time I was young I remember growing up in church. For me it was a social hour where all these people came together to talk about God and have all kinds of events with food. As I got older I became bored with church. I really did not know God for myself. I saw some of my friends become all religious and crying and really getting into the relationship with Him. I saw my younger sister always preferring to read the Bible instead of going out with friends. I began to wonder what made her want to do that. So I started to pick up the Bible and try to understand it for myself. I did not want to hear from anyone else but God. If He was truly real then I wanted Him to show me Himself.

I don’t know exactly what happened, I don’t have,  like many Christians do, this special day where all of a sudden everything became clear. It has actually been a journey to get to the space where I know God is truly God and His word is true. He has developed a personal relationship with me. I can feel Him everywhere I go. I can hear Him speak into the depth of my soul no matter where I am and I know that He loves me. I know that He does not expect me to be perfect, Jesus died for that. But He does want me to share His love with others so they can have this amazing relationship with Him.

What led me to Christ was the believers around me being themselves. I was not drawn to those individuals who constantly spoke Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. I had too much of that on a regular basis as a youth. I am not one to bang your door down about God but my heart is heavy for those that do not know Christ. I pray for the lost regularly and I ask God to be on display in my life. I love writing and encouraging others to know God through all the social networks as well as just talking with friends, neighbors, and strangers. It takes nothing but a loving heart from God on the inside of a believer for others to meet Him on the outside. Then God opens the door for others to come in and minster to their soul.

If you are not a believer and you are curious to know if God is real, ask Him to show you himself. He will do it for you. If you are a believer, I want to encourage you to just keep letting that beautiful light of yours shine. You are on the right track and you are drawing lost souls even if you don’t see them. My sister died a long time ago and I don’t know if I ever got to tell her that seeing her read the Bible drew me into a relationship with God. 

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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