When I would hear the word “harvest”, I would get so excited because I knew what that word meant: an abundance was coming!
The thing is, I thought I completely understood the word but I did not realize what was actually involved in harvest. We are never in the same season for very long. We are either planting, growing, resting, or harvesting. Several weeks ago, I asked God what season I was in and He said harvest! I did it get excited. I guess I thought a harvest was going to rain down in my life. But to my surprise, God began to unveil to me what harvest really looked like.
I was listening to the Bible when I came across the story about Joseph. God told me that when Joseph was sold by his brothers for 20 pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites, he had entered his season of harvest. Isn’t that something? Joseph was stripped of his beautiful robe and sold away from his family by his brothers yet God said he had entered into his season of harvest.
Perhaps we should understand the word harvest a little more. Harvest is defined as ”...the season for gathering in agricultural crops; the act or process of gathering a crop.” God revealed to me that He sent Joseph to Egypt so he could get prepared to become second in command there. Joseph was sent ahead of his family to literally gather a harvest for them. The way in which God ordained Joseph's path for harvest did not feel like a harvest to Joseph.
Many of us could not imagine a harvest as something negative and devastating. Joseph was stripped of everything he knew in order to receive the greater harvest God had for him. Many of us are in a season of harvest but we are unaware of it because things can be so detrimental. Our focus is so much on our current situation and usually we are asking God to change it that we cannot see what He is doing. When in essence our problems have positioned us right in the place we need to be for the greatest harvest to happen in our lives.
Joseph could have never imagined seeing his parents again, although I’m sure he dreamed of it. Just because it may seem that God strips us of the things we love does not mean it will be that way forever. God knows what is best for us, for whatever season he has us in. We just have to trust Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path! Proverbs 3:5-6
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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