Perfecting Obedience

The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about obedience. He has actually been drilling down obedience into every area of my life. Literally I hear him speaking to me about anything that I am about to do. I can hear Him giving me instructions. He has me focused on studying the scriptures about the outcome of obedience versus disobedience. What a lesson it has been for me!

Today was a prime example. I was headed to the local grocery store when I heard the Holy Spirit ask, “What are you going to the store for?” I said, “I am going to purchase two items onions and turnip greens.” I heard the Holy Spirit say, “That is correct, onions and turnip greens.” I said, “Okay!” When I got into the store the first thing I saw were delicious looking green grapes. I walked over to them and I picked up a bag and then my spirit felt a nudge reminding me of the turnip greens and onions.  I asked the Holy Spirit, “May I get a bag of grapes as well?” The Holy Spirit said, “Yes.” I walked a little further and saw some cherries. I said to myself, “Oh! I should get some of those for my parents! They would really like them!”  Before even picking them up I could feel another nudge in my heart. I said, “Holy Spirit can I purchase these cherries for my parents?” Then the only words I heard was, “Saul was disobedient and it cost him.”

When we decide we truly want to walk with God and we want Him in every area of our life, He will teach us in the simplest things, such as how to hear Him and be obedient to His word. Scriptures says that if we can be faithful over a few things God will make you ruler over many. First He has to make sure that we are going to be obedient over the little things. I don’t think there was anything wrong with purchasing cherries for my parents. I believe that because God was teaching me about obedience in everything, I couldn’t let anything get in the way of following His instructions; even if it was about buying something else I thought was good!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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