Who Am I?

So many people struggle with these common questions: Who am I? What am I supposed to do? What is my purpose? We have become so obsessed with these concerns that our market places are saturated with self-help books, leading people in every direction, looking for fulfillment. If you truly want to know who you are there is one person to ask and one book to read - Jesus Christ is the person and the Bible is the book.


The Bible says God created the world and we are created in His image. I know that seems like a very generic answer that gives little context to the amazing brain that you have and being that you are. But God in His complexity gives simple answers to get us started in knowing who He is. And knowing who He is helps us learn who we are. If you can think back to when you were a child, you might remember always asking questions like, “Where did this come from? Where did that come from?” All those questions were prompted from the spirit inside you, to guide you back to God so He could teach you who you are. Unfortunately, many of us were led in other directions, rather than back to Christ.


So now that we are older, how do we know who we are? 1) The Bible says you came from God and you were created in His image (Genesis 1:27). 2) You have a spirit, a soul, and a body. God does not have a body. He is a spirit and He put His spirit in us when He gave us the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). Our spirit lives inside our body so we can live on earth and do the work of God. 3) God gave us our own soul which includes our mind, personality, will, and emotions. He gave us individuality so we could choose what we wanted to do. Each of us have our own souls that are apart of God, like a unique expression of God living inside of us.


In the Bible we learn of David whose occupation was a shepherd boy until God appointed him king. Mary was a young virgin who was engaged to be married to Joseph until the Holy Spirit impregnated her with Jesus. Matthew was a tax collector who was hated by the Jews until Jesus came and made him a disciple. Saul took Christian’s to be murdered until Jesus called him into being an Apostle for Christ. Moses was Pharaoh’s son until God moved him into being the leader of his people. What am I saying? Wherever you are and whatever occupation you are doing, be content in that space. Love and embrace who God made you. Don’t spend so much time trying to figure out all the things that He has already taken care of. When God is ready, He will bring all that to you.


When you spend time trying to figure all that information out, you become more confused, depressed, and unhappy. Live in the moment that God has given you and let Him show you how to enjoy the blessings He has put right in front of you in this season. Don’t be so anxious to move out, get married, get the career - just take every day one step at a time and I promise if you live like that, everything else will come to you. The Holy Spirit will prompt you when to move. Amen.



Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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Search Me God and Know Me


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