What Can You Purchase for $35.00?
Nothing will be impossible with God. Luke 1:37, ESV
Over the years, I have been blessed to know so many wonderful people. One of those dear friends is Paula Bryant-Ellis, a very powerful women of God. Every time she speaks the Holy Spirit just pours out of her in such profound ways. If you get the opportunity to hear her speak, don’t miss it because you will be blessed! One of the things I have heard her say many times is that you don’t need to ask God for material things. He already has everything you need handled. I was reminded of that when I wrote the title of this message.
Another dear friend of mine Elder Shelia, another powerful woman of God, who will slay you with the Word, shared with me one of her testimonies:
She was divorced and living in California. The tenants in the lower level of her apartment complex smoked weed and the fumes would rise to her place. She was concerned for her health and for the health of her grandchildren when they would come to visit. She prayed and asked God for help. She told God that she would like a house fully furnished in a safe neighborhood for her and her grandchildren to live in.
She has a cousin who is a prayer warrior that lives in Texas. She called and told him what she was experiencing, and they prayed together. They always ask God to answer their prayer in three days - they believe if God raised Jesus from the grave in three days, they could expect an answer in three days. After the prayer, her cousin started looking on the internet for houses that would be in a good neighborhood for her. He found a place the next day and told her to go look. She was hesitant but went to see the model homes anyway.
When she arrived, the salescerk was busy and told her to go ahead and take a look. Elder Shelia did as the sales lady said and when she returned to the office, she was told they were sold out of the model she wanted. The salesclerk was busy and told her to take her time looking at the model home because it would be up for sale.
Elder Sheila went into that model home and loved it. She prayed to God and said, “If this house is for me, give me time to anoint it and bless it right now.” She had so much time that she not only anointed the whole house, she fell asleep on the couch. When the salesclerk returned she asked Elder Shelia if she was ready to purchase the home. She said yes!
When she sat with the salesclerk, she noticed a referral incentive card. If someone referred you to the home and you made the purchase, you could fill out the card and they would send a reward to the one who referred you. As they started the paperwork the salesclerk told Elder Sheila she would need to put down $5,000.00, which she did not have. The salesclerk said okay, to take this house off the market they’d at least need a check for $35.00 and would worry about everything else later. Elder Shelia gave her a check for $35.00 and the sales clerk started processing the paperwork.
That evening Elder Sheila called her cousin to tell him how things had worked out and about the $5,000.00 down payment for the home. He insisted on wiring her the money that evening. She received the money and took it down to the sales office for her home. She also turned in the referral incentive card since her cousin had referred her to these homes. She was later told that the incentive reward for her cousin was $5,000.00.
When everything was completed, Elder Shelia had a fully furnished model home that she paid $35.00 as a down payment for. The incentive had paid her cousin back and she walked into her new home carrying a set of sheets for her new bed!
God is not concerned about your credit score or how much money you have in the bank. He already has a plan for everything you need. You just have to trust Him and remember that nothing is impossible with God.
Everything made by Him, came through Him, and is for Him Colossians 1:16-17.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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