Blessing Blocker - Guilt

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. Ephesians 1:7, ESV

The fourth blessing blocker listed in the book by Dr. David Yonggi Cho was guilt. When I read the passage about guilt it immediately convicted my heart. We all have things in our past that we wish we had not done and sometimes we carry that guilt. When we do that we are not accepting the gift that Jesus died to give us. In the book Dr. Cho shares a story about a women who had received several abortions and that guilt along with her other sins were eating away at her life.

This woman husband brought her to Dr. Cho for healing. After she shared with Dr. Cho her past and how she could not let go of the guilt that she felt Dr. Cho then says this to her “Sister, close your eyes, “I instructed her, also doing the same thing myself. “Let’s go to a very silent and beautiful lake. Now you and I are sitting beside the lake, and there are many pebbles. In my hand I hold a very small pebble. You pick up a big rock. Let’s throw this pebble and this rock into the lake”. 

“First it’s my turn. I take hold of the pebble and cast it in. Did you hear the sound it made? A ripple. Where is the pebble now?” She answered, “Well, it went down to the bottom of the lake.” “Right,” I replied. “Now it’s your turn. Cast your rock in. Yes, you cast it in…okay, now that you’ve cast it in, did it make a light noise?” “No,” she asserted, “it made a big sound, and a large ripple.” “But where is your rock?” “Down at the bottom,” she replied.  “Well, it seems that both my small pebble and your big rock went to the bottom when they were thrown. The only difference was the sound and ripple. Mine made a plop, yours made a boom. Mine made a small ripple, yours a large ripple. People go to hell with small sins just as well as big sins, for they are without Jesus Christ. And what is the difference? Sound and its influence on society. Everyone needs the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus cures all sins, big and little.” (The Fourth Dimension Dr. David Yonggi Cho) 

Just like this woman in the story that Dr. Cho shared we can carry guilt that we don’t believe is forgivable even though we know Christ died for all those sins. I too am like the woman in the book, for I have done things I was ashamed of and the guilt ate away at me. However, God reminded me that He already knew what sins we would commit and He carried them to the cross. Our confession to God with a sincere heart is all that is required for forgiveness.

When we carry the guilt of past sin, it blocks the pipeline for God to pour into us His blessings. We can’t receive his love, compassion and forgiveness because our hands are too full with guilt. We have to be willing to empty our hands so we can receive His blessing. Note to self!Nothing we do is a surprise to God! Hallelujah!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Blessing Blocker - Summary


Blessing Blocker - Inferiority