
And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone…Matthew 14:23, ESV

I was having a discussion with a dear friend about the scripture above. And she was saying in her study time that the Holy Spirit pointed out to her that Jesus went up into the “supernatural” to pray. It made so much sense as we talked about it, but I never had that revelation before. Later in the week I was reading Genesis 1 and the word “up” floated across my mind again. I asked the Holy Spirit, ”How can I miss what is right in front of me?” He said, “You are too focused on what you want to study, or what you are trying to understand that you do not give me the time to tell you what I am saying.”

I was just about through the first chapter of Genesis when I was having this conversation with the Holy Spirit again, I said, “Should I start over with reading this chapter?” He said, “Sure.” Immediately as I started to read the first verse he started speaking to my spirit. He said, “Everything is embodied in me.” I wanted to make sure that I understood what he was saying, so I looked up the word embodied. It means: one that embodies something; include or contain (something) as a constituent part.

Everything came from God and he spoke what he wanted to come out of him and into the world for his creation to learn, experience and enjoy. He said, “It does not matter if people like it or not, understands it or not, everything comes from him. I asked for an example, and he said, “Your writings, they come from you. It does not matter if people believe you, agree with you, like you, or what you wrote. It is your truth and it comes from you.” I just sat and meditated on what he had just dropped into my spirit. Revelation was opening up in my mind. He was teaching me!

I thought, “Wow! No one has to believe what he said is true, but it is his truth. No one has to believe that he is the one and only true God, but he is!”  Everyone can do and believe whatever they want, but his truth will always stand; just like my truth and your truth will stand. It is embodied within us and as we release it, it speaks.

I said to the Holy Spirit, “Just a few minutes ago when I read the first chapter of Genesis, I did not get any of this.” He said, “It’s because you had your own agenda. Had I not let the simple word “up” cross your spirit you would have missed this again. Take the time to let me tell you about me. Come open and ready to receive; because I am ready to give.”

Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Mark 10:15, ESV

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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He does What He Says


The Ways of Life