Lesson from God

Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; James 1:19, ESV 

 We currently have 4 vehicles sitting in our driveway! My husband has a love for things that are old, outdated, but he says it is functional. It can be hard for him to get rid of them! I have often nagged at him that we do not need all of these vehicles and to get rid of some of them. However, he spends large amounts of money to get some repaired to keep them working. Before I go any further let me explain that these vehicles are not the vintage vehicles that someone will pay tons of money for.

We have a red faded 1994 Ford Ranger truck, a 2004 Jeep Liberty 4x4, a 1997 Hyundai and a 2014 Mazda 6. We normally keep our nicer vehicles; the Jeep and the Mazda in the garage and the other two vehicles are parked on the street. We started to receive all kinds of inquires from different people asking to purchase the truck or the Hyundai probably because we hardly use them. My husband has been annoyed with all the purchase requests, especially for the truck. So he moved all the other vehicles out of the garage and put the truck in the garage. That way it would be “out of sight, out of mind” and people would stop asking to purchase it.

A few days ago, we had company visiting and I wanted some private place to pray where I would not disturb our guest in our home. I was up rather early so I went into the garage and there I saw that faded old red truck. I did not want to even get in it, but I did. As I sat there in the truck the Holy Spirit began to speak into my heart.

He said that He had given my husband a heart after Him. When the truck died and would no longer run you were excited, but your husband was heart broken. He took his truck to the shop and the owner had said there was no replacement part for it because it was so old. However, because of your husband’s persistence the owner of the shop looked all over the United States until he found a distributor who only had one of the necessary part left. Your husband was so excited that he paid what it took to get the truck fixed!

The Holy Spirt said we are like that red truck. Jesus paid an outrageous cost for us to be free and have eternal life. And just like the red truck in the garage, Jesus takes us in his arms and hides us when the world tries to come after us to take us away from Him. We are forever loved and protected by our Father.

BTW I think I have found a new appreciation for the red truck!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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