The Watering

The Watering

But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. Genesis 2:6

Mist: a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface that limits visibility (to a lesser extent than fog; strictly, with visibility remaining above 1 km (1,100 yards): the peaks were shrouded in mist | [in singular] : a mist rose out of the river.

• [in singular] a condensed vapor settling in fine droplets on a surface: a breeze cooled the mist of perspiration that had dampened her temples.

Before God caused rain to water the earth he had a way of ensuring that the garden would receive it’s nourishment. The earth and all the vegetation could not function without water. The Bible says he watered with a mist. I love how the fog settles on the earth. The plants get a complete drenching through the mist. You can see the fog, and feel the dampness, but you can’t really see the water. The ground becomes damp and little speckles of moisture will hit your face, but you can’t really tell how that is happening.

It reminds me so much of the Word of God. As believers, we cannot function without it—it is our lifeline; without it, we die! When we read the Word and meditate on it, a gentle mist begins to form in our spirits, and if we sit with it long enough, that mist transforms into a river of living water flowing out from within us.

For example, God was speaking to me about the plants in my garden. He showed me how each of those plants started from a single seed, and as each plant grew, it matured and produced abundant fruit. In the same way, this happens within us as we sit meditating on the Word. The seed that God has planted within us, fully equipped, begins to grow, mature, and produce fruit.

While God was showing me this example I was being saturated God He gives us revelation and understanding as we allow ourselves to be soaked in him. At the time God caused the mist to water the whole face of the ground, the ground did not move but received all the nourishment. We have to do the same thing to become all that he has anointed us to be.

As God showed me this example, I was being saturated, through the misting of his words. He gives us revelation and understanding when we allow ourselves to be soaked in Him. Just as, in the beginning, God caused a mist to water the whole face of the ground, which simply received the nourishment, so we too must remain still in His presence to receive all He has for us.

I have no idea how a tiny seed can yield a reservoir of fruit, but under the right conditions and with proper watering, it happens. The same is true for us—God’s miraculous works happen!

Key points:

You have a revisor of fruit inside of you.

Manifestation comes with the word.

The Word of God is your complete and only source.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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