The Stirring

Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and maliciously accused the Jews. Daniel 3:8


When I prepare cookies I use a large mixer to get all the ingredients combined together. This allows for an easier and faster way to get the product prepared for my customers and give them an irresistible batch of cookies. As I was reading the above scripture God showed me how He is always stirring things up in the background to combine the ingredients to bring about the best product.


 In the third chapter of the book of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar has set up a golden image for everyone in his providence to bow down and worship whenever certain musical instruments are played. He specifically gathers those he has appointed to high positions (the satraps, the prefects, the governors, the counselors, the treasurer, the justices, the magistrates, and all of the officials of the provinces) to the dedication of the image. He gives them instructions to give proclamations to everyone in all the land that when they hear these musical instruments played they are to bow down. If you did not bow down to the golden image you would be thrown into the fiery furnace. However, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who were a part of the king’s administration did not bow down to this image. They had committed their lives to God as they were Jewish and God’s chosen people. They know that they were only to bow and worship God alone.


Somehow these Chaldeans find out that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were not bowing down to the golden image and according to the scripture above they went and told King Nebuchadnezzar. When our enemies are working against us, we don't always understand that God is actually using them for his perfect plan. He is actually stirring up the ingredients for a perfect promotional position for his servants.


We must remember when things seem to be going all wrong in our lives and all kinds of situations are working against us, God’s hand is in it and He is doing work in the background. We don’t usually see our enemies coming and many times it can knock us off track if we are not prayed up. It is just like with my cookies: my customers never see me mixing the ingredients together and doing all the work behind the scenes but they can never have an irresistible batch unless the stirring in the background happens. It is the same way with our lives. God is always in control and doing the behind the scene work to give us the abundant life He promised!


So the next time your enemies come for you, take a pause and understand God is doing something behind  the scene and your promotion is right after this! Now remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had to go through the fiery furnace but God was with them. I encourage you to read all of Daniel chapter three so you will understand how God works. The fire always brings in the promotion!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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Forgiveness is not a Feeling


Faithful God