The Spirit of God Dwells in You
You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. Romans 8:9, ESV
I know at times it can be overwhelming to try and comprehend that the Spirit of the almighty God lives within every believer. He literally sits inside every believer and directs them everyday towards righteousness. I love that scripture teaches that God has richly poured out to us all wisdom and understanding. Ephesians 1 Our flesh may not be able to understand everything that God has given us, but little by little, or precept upon precept, we gain understanding.
It reminds me of little babies who have not yet learned how to walk. They have all they need to walk and yet they don’t understand the concept of walking. We have a grand-baby who has all the physical attributes to raise his head and look around, but he has not mastered the ability to do that. When we pick him up we hold his head. He has not yet learned that he has the muscles to lift and hold his head. My daughter gives him “tummy time” which he does not like, but it causes him to lift his head.
This reminds me of us and all that God has poured into us. We have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us, with all the wisdom and understanding waiting for us to use. We think we lack the ability, or that we don’t have the knowledge to do something, but in truth it is all there. We have to strengthen our muscles and we do this through “tummy time,”or reading the Word. We can lay on our stomach and put the Bible in front of us and read. The words in the Bible are full of the Spirit and life. When we read the word of God, we learn how to use what has already been deposited into us. It is our instruction manual. The more we read and study the word the more we will be able to access all the wisdom and understanding from the Spirit who dwells within.
I encourage you to do some “tummy time” exercises for twenty minuets a day! Set a timer and read the word. You will be surprised at what happens in your life and the changes that you will see manifest. The word is living and it goes into action when you speak it!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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