The Dust

When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. Luke 4:13, ESV

I was vacuuming our stairs and I was thinking about how the dust just comes. No matter how many times I clean the floor, the dust returns. The Holy Spirit said that is how the enemy is, he is always lurking around seeking whom he can devour. Scripture teaches us to resist the devil and he will flee. But as we know, when the devil had finished all of his tempting with Jesus, he left him until another opportune time. Luke 4:13. That is why the Bible says to meditate on the word day and night, because day and night we are under attack.

My husband and I had a great morning, we spent time praying and taking communion. After which he mentioned to me that there was a celebration for the Cambodian New Year. He wanted to go and I was hesitant because it was being held at the Buddhist temple. He waited for me to finish my work so I could go with him. The event was nice, but a little muddy from the rain. Everyone seemed to be having a good time! We watched individuals do the traditional dances and songs. We enjoyed learning about their culture. While we were there we noticed all these huge statues with bright colors that everyone was posing for pictures in front of. I begin to understand that these images represented their gods that they worshipped. There were prayer boxes in front of these images and we saw individuals bowing down praying to these statues. My heart was heavy for the people because they truly believed that these images could answer their prayers. So I prayed for God to give them insight to the “true and living God.”

Later that day after we returned home, I noticed that my husband and I were going at each other for no reason. We would snap at each other and I knew in my heart that it was a spirit. Satan was dropping dust particles because I had prayed against his image.

My husband called me over and said we needed to pray. As he began to pray for us he asked God to remove whatever spirit that was on us. Satan is always looking for a place to devour.  We can keep our house clean of dust particles by consistently being “aware” of the enemies tactics.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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