I was riding in the car with my husband having a wonderful conversation when we came upon the subject of my parents. We started chatting about their home and that’s when I realized that they were “positioned” by God.
My parents had come over to see the new home we had purchased. My father really liked the neighborhood so we decided to take a walk. My father noticed a house down the street from where I lived and commented on how much he liked that home. He said, “I really like the porch!” The house was not up for sale so we just kept walking. Further down the street we noticed a home with a sign in the yard that said, “For Sale By Owner.” My dad and I decided to inquire about the house.
We went to the door and to our surprise the owners invited us in to tour their home! The home was very nice and was almost the same style as the first house my father looked at that he liked. My dad was really excited and fell in love with the home. He told the owner that he wanted to buy the home and would have his realtor get in touch with them. My parents went through all the loan preparation, selling their home and putting in an offer for the house. The owners accepted the offer and then months later changed their minds about selling the house. My parents were very disappointed. They had gone back and forth with this owner for months. They had prayed over this home and was sure that this was what God had wanted for them; but it was not.
Several weeks later I was taking a walk in my neighborhood and noticed that the home my father had first said he really liked was up for sale. I immediately called my parents and told them to have their realtor check it out for them. Three days later they were touring the home with six other couples. It was exactly what they wanted! My father said that he did not want to be in a bidding war, so he offered them the asking price.
Although my parents submitted their offer, it was not accepted because someone else put in a higher bid. However, two days later they received a call asking if they were still interested in the house. It turns out that the individuals who offered the higher price were not qualified for the loan. My parents had their loan and all finances in place because they had prepared months in advance during the time they submitted an offer on the previous house. It was not until much later that we realized that God had positioned them for this home! He had them fall in love with the other house so that they would be “ready” for the home my dad had first picked out! God knew that they were going to need to be ready because of the bidding wars. So, He prepared them ahead of time.
When God shut down the first house that my parents submitted an offer on, it did not look like God was working things out in their favor, but He was. God already knows what we cannot see! He knew that their would be a bidding war on the house He had for them. He knew exactly how ready my parents would need to be in order to receive the house they really wanted. God loves us so much that He will not let our emotions and broken heart move Him. As a result, He can give us the best thing He has for us! Amen
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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