

God has been teaching me about coming into the overflow of his presence and allowing myself to rest in his presence. After prayer, I would normally get up and go on about my business, but God has taught me that being in the overflow is about praying and waiting to hear from Him after prayer. 

One morning I was in my room praising God and listening to a song by Juanita Bynum called Overflow. The song is so powerful that I just sat in God’s presence and rested in the overflow of His abundance. 

Later that morning, my husband and I decided to run some errands. I went outside through the front door of our home while my husband pulled the car out of the garage. When I stepped outside there was this big SUV parked in front of our home. The vehicle had a sign directing people around the corner to a garage sale that was being hosted.  As I moved closer to the vehicle I noticed the license plate and could not believe what I saw. The picture above is the license plate that was on the vehicle. I cannot begin to explain to you my excitement!

My husband came around to see why I was so excited, jumping up and down and taking pictures.  And at the same time the owner of the vehicle showed up. We began to talk about his license plate. He said he had to put that message on his license plate because he is operating in the overflow of God. He runs a youth ministry called overflowyouth.com. I shared with him about my time with God and we all knew that our meeting was God ordained and confirmation to the prayers that I had prayed. Indeed, God’s presence brings overflow if you sit long enough with Him.

Jesus died so we could go straight to the Father. In order to do this, we must accept Jesus as our personal Savior. We have to move past the asking stage of seeking God’s hand and seek His heart. Receiving the overflow of God means resting and waiting on God. It is making a conscious effort to sit and wait to hear God speak to your soul.

Previously when someone would say, “overflow” I was like, “Yes! I need an abundance of money and things. Let the overflow of millions flow into my life!” As I matured in the Word I learned God is all the overflow I need, not material things, as they will all pass away. The abundance of God provides for my needs and the desires of my heart.

God says that He gives all of us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). It is up to us to mature in the level of faith God has given us.  We mature by reading the Word, through prayer and life experiences.  Faith in the spirit realm is like money in the natural realm. We need money to pay for things in this natural world but we need faith to have what we prayed for to take place in the spirit.

God’s overflow resides behind the seeking of His face, not his hand. When we sit and rest with Him this overflow is offered to anyone who seeks it. Rest in the overflow!


Affirmation: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32

