Never lost a battle

Miracles when you move such an easy thing for you to do. Your hand is moving right now. You are still showing up at the tomb of every Lazarus, your voice is calling me out.” I was at church when I heard the lead singer of the choir start to sing those words. I knew immediately that God was speaking to my soul. And now in this moment of writing while waiting to hear what God wanted me to pen next those same words come back into my spirit.

He said, “I am still moving. I have not stopped performing miracles. Ask for them. Look for them. Seek me for the miracles with expectation because I am still working.” As I wrote those words I wondered what miracles had I asked for. Was I still expecting miracles, or did I think my thoughts were too far fetched and would not happen? The song said, “Jesus is still showing up at every tomb of Lazarus,” meaning anything that has died in you, or seems to be gone the “miracle working” God is waiting on our faith.

Scripture says to, “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.” We all have to do something to receive. I asked God to help me get my cookies into stores. He told me in January to start calling vendors for my cookie business. He said call five vendors a day Monday through Friday. I followed his instructions and by February I had two vendors and by May my cookies were in three different stores. 

Even though that was amazing, I believe God wants us to seek him for the impossible, because at Lazarus’s tomb it required a miracle. It required Jesus to show up for something to change. I believe that we all have a “Lazarus’s tomb” in our lives and that something miraculous can only happen when we look with expectation for the “miracle working” hand of God. 

There are some dreams that God has put into my spirit that seem incomprehensible, especially at my age. They are so outrageously big that I will not share them with anyone for fear people may think I am crazy. See that is what God gives us! Impossible things that cannot happen without him! I believe he is saying to us today, “Believe and trust what I have put inside you.” Walk with him hand in hand, step by step. You will have opposition, but he has never lost a battle. The outcome is totally up to us to choose to say, “Yes” and stay in the fight!

Key Points:

Opportunities are in the opposition.

Miracles are still there for you.

Allow God to open up the grave of promises.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Behind the Scene


Divine Connection