
I love having my quiet time with God. I have set a time everyday at 5:00 pm to meet with God where ever he directs me. Sometimes it is in my prayer room, sometimes it is out on a walk and other times it can be in a coffee shop. Wherever he tells me to go I follow. 

Now after saying all of that, I still have this idea of how my prayer time should go. I do not take my cell phone with me during my prayer time and many times I take off my watch because it can be a distraction. I want to hear all of what he is going to say to me. So on this particular day I was sitting outside in the back yard writing what was in my spirit and just listening to him speak. In the midst of all of those moments these two companies that were hiring came into my mind. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit saying to call my niece and tell her about those companies. I thought okay, I will call her when I am finished with my time in prayer.

We all know that prayer is a dialog and I said I was listening for all God had to say to me. He was speaking and I was not moving. Then I felt this pressure on my heart to move right then. I said to God, “You want me to get my cell phone and call her now?" I did not hear him answer, but I could feel him directing my path. I immediately went and got my phone and called my niece. The call went to voice mail and as I was leaving a message she picked up. I told her that I was in prayer and I felt that the Holy Spirit wanted me to tell her about these two companies that were hiring. After I finished giving her the information, she said, “God is so good!” Then she preceded to tell me that she had just finished praying asking God where he wanted her to apply for a job. Then the phone rang and it was me with the answer! Hallelujah!

It does not matter what you are doing or whom it is that God directs you to, when he says move, move! We are his mouth, hands and feet and he is constantly answering prayers through those who have said “yes” to him. Amen.

Key points:

God’s direction is not usually a part of our plan.

Timing with him is immediate, do not hesitate.

We have been hand selected for such a time as this.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Nothing is Lost

