Let You Go

I’ve been listening to this song that has truly blessed me. I love songs when the words speak to the depth of your soul; especially those that cause us to reflect and meditate for a while. This song is called Let You Go, by United Pursuit, Will Reagan. The whole song is wonderful, but these specific words have just resonated with me:

“Help me let You go Help me give up control Of the God I have made you

When my fear has contained you”

I just had to wrap my brain around this verse, asking God to help me give up control of the God I made Him through my fear! I thought wow!!! We contain God in a box through our fear. Did you get that? Our God is the creator of the world, the all powerful God and there is no other God greater than Him. Yet, we can limit what He can do in our lives through our fears!

Fear: an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Did you see that fear is an emotion (a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others)? It’s a feeling that causes us to doubt our belief in God’s ability. This doubt or fear hinders God’s miracles in our life because we are required to have faith. Jesus told the woman that was sick for 12 years with blood issues that her faith is what made her whole. The word says that without faith it is impossible to please God.

Satan’s job is to steal our faith so we lose hope in our all mighty God!


We pray that you will help us to give up control of the God we have made you through our fears. We had no idea that our fears contained you! But we praise you that our faith releases all of your miracles in our life. Help us to walk deeper in the faith you have given each of us! God to you be glory and praise!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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