JEHOVAH Nissi - The Lord Is My Banner
Moses built an altar and called it,The Lord is my Banner. Exodus 17:15, ESV
While the Israelites were moving through the desert and headed to the promised land, the Amalekites came and attacked them at Rephidim. They were a strong and massive army. Moses told Joshua to take some men to fight them.
Moses went up on a mountain and stood where the Israelites could see him while he held up the staff of God. This was the same staff that Moses had performed miracles with, so the Israelites knew it had power. Scripture says that as long as Moses held up the rod, the Israelites were winning. But when his hand grew tired and he let it down, they would lose. So Aaron and Hur held his arms up so that Joshua and the Israelites had victory over the Amalekites.
Moses built an altar unto God and called it, The Lord is my Banner because Lord was the banner under which they fought; the banner that gave them victory.
Whenever America’s armed forces go to war, they fight under the power of the USA. You will never see them fight without the appropriate weaponry, flying the flag of their country as they march into battle.
It is the same for us when we pray. We are not praying under our own power or authority because nothing would get accomplished. We come under the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ for any situation we might encounter. Our Lord is our banner! That is why we have the power to overcome any demonic spirit that tries to take up residence in us. Our God resides inside of us and when we invoke His power, we have victory. We must remember when we pray, we are not praying alone, but with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
We can rejoice in prayer because we already have the victory! Just like the Israelites and Joshua had to fight, we have to do our part in war and fight under the banner of JEHOVAH NISSI!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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