History is Vital

Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. Exodus 1:6, ESV


In the verse above, Egypt is under a new Pharaoh who does not know the history of his country. He doesn’t know that the previous Pharaoh before him had a dream that so disturbed him that he sent for all the wise men and magicians in Egypt, but there was none who could interpret the dream. He doesn’t know that his country was about to be destroyed by a famine but God sent Joseph, a Hebrew, to save the country and its people. He doesn’t know or understand that the laws Joseph put in place over Egypt had made the previous Pharaoh very wealthy, and He doesn’t understand the power of the God of Israel. Ultimately, he lacks the knowledge to rule, leading his people into total destruction.


History is so important. It gives us instructions on how to avoid the mistakes of the past and learn how to move forward and prosper in our future. The Bible is our history book. It documents historical truths, telling us who our God is and why we should trust Him. The Bible gives us examples of His power and teaches us how to move with God. It explains where we are from, what our purpose is, and why we are here. When we don’t read our Bible, we are like the new king of Egypt - moving in total darkness and headed for destruction.


Even a thief listens to an experienced thief to learn how to avoid getting caught. How imperative it is for us to read the Bible! It is the trick of the enemy to think otherwise. He is the one who puts the idea in our spirit that we do not need to read the Bible, or that reading the Bible is boring. I will say, your first time picking up a Bible can be intimidating, and it might be challenging to understand. But that is exactly how God wants it. This is where He gets to introduce Himself to you personally. This is where you start to have your own personal relationship with Him. When you start to ask questions and say, “God I don’t understand what you are talking about”, you have opened the door to an amazing journey with Him.


Every time you open the Bible it will be a teaching lesson. God is guiding and teaching you about who He is. He will show you the patterns of how He operates so that you will not fear anything that comes your way. When we read the Bible, we not only receive instructions about life, but we enter into a relationship with God that is unexplainable. When we are headed to a new place and don’t know how to get there, we can open our GPS to guide us to where we want to go. We hardly ever doubt the instruction given. ELOHIM is the Creator of this world. Nothing exists without Him and everything came through Him. Knowing this, how much more time should we spend every day speaking with Him, getting instructions from His holy Word? Amen!


Father, thank you for teaching me in your Word. Thank you for giving me the best history book in all the world, the Bible. Thank you that every time I open it to read you meet me there, ready to have a deeper relationship with me. Father, I love you. Thank you for loving me. In Jesus’s name, amen.


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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The Best Land


God’s Graciousness