Hidden Answers
Many times, when we are seeking God for answer I believe that He sends the answers, but we are often so busy doing our own thing that we miss Him. When we sit and just be still before God, there is this sweetness that comes over us - a place of compete rest. Even though our situation and what we have asked for has not changed, all worry and anxiety is gone. The inside of us has changed and God is working on our outward situation.
I was listening to a speaker who said that hidden answers are revealed in the wilderness. I have been married forty years and when I look back, I can see many times of wilderness. My husband and I once separated because I wanted things my way. I was able to get my own place and furnish it with nice things I didn’t even have to pay for. When I thought I was well on my way, God sat me down in that home and course corrected me right back to my husband.
I often put myself in those places of wilderness not wanting to wait on God. God in His graciousness somehow managed to work out all those situations for my good, and in the midst of those wilderness seasons were hidden answers on how to move and what to do. The answers God had been trying to show me all along were there, but I was too busy doing my own thing, trying to have things my way. When I was alone in the quietness with Him, he began to change my heart and bring restoration to my marriage. When Jacob stole his brother Esau’s blessing, Esau had planned to kill him. But Jacob’s father sent him away to his uncle’s home to find a wife. On his way, while all alone, God met him in his wilderness state and spoke with him. Even though Jacob had done wrong, God still met with him – promising to bless him and to always be with him (Genesis 28:10-17).
God has great plans for each one of us, or else we would not be here. He specifically hand-picked us to be here at this time in life. Satan will lie to you and tell you that you have messed up so bad that God will not forgive you or do anything for you. He is a liar! I messed up and now I have forty years of marriage under my belt. We are more in love now than the first day we met. Jacob messed up but God poured out more abundance in his life than he could have ever imagined.
Do not run from the wilderness that you find yourself in. God has hidden answers that will bless your soul and bring transformation to your life when you say yes. God bless you, family.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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