He IsWorking
Even when we don’t see or feel that God is working, He never stops working. He is moving right here in our midst. He is here working in this place. Our Father God is always moving and woking in our midst. He is here touching and healing every heart. He always makes a way, keeps His promise, works miracles and He is our light in the darkness.
God works in ways that we cannot see; which is called the supernatural. I love that He speaks to each one of us individually. He speaks to us privately about our behaviors that He wants us to change. He is not a God that will embarrass us; unless we don’t listen after many of His warnings. Unfortunately, I have experienced the exposed discipline because of my own stubbornness to not change my behavior.
Many times we don’t see God’s miraculous hand working because God’s way is not our way. However, He never stops working. He brings us into situations that puts pressure on us to change so that we become more like Him. Although our flesh fights hard at times against the fire of God inside of us, God does not give up. Praise God that He never stops working! That is the God that we serve! The fire inside of us never stops working! My God, He never stops working on us! Amen
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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