God’s Unconditional Love

…he had a dream. Genesis 28:12, NIV


Jacob and his brother Esau were twins, but Esau came out first. He had the birthright as the oldest son to inherit all his father’s possessions and authority. All the sons would receive some of their father's property, but the firstborn received a double portion and became the leader of the family.


One day when Esau had come home from working out in the field, he was very hungry. His brother Jacob had fixed a pot of lentil stew and Esau asked if he could have a bowl. But Jacob would not give him the stew until he agreed to sell him his birthright first. Esau, out of desperation, agreed and sold his birthright to Jacob. After eating the stew Esau hated his birthright, now when their father had grown old and could not see he told Esau to prepare him a meal so that he could give him his blessing. Their mother overheard what their father had said, and she helped Jacob trick his father into giving him Esau’s blessing. When Esau found out, he was so angry that he made a pledge to kill his brother Jacob.


In the scripture above Jacob is headed to his uncle’s house in Haran to get away from his brother and to also find a wife. While on the way, he stops to lay his head on a stone and falls asleep. God has seen all that Jacob has done to his brother. God knows why Jacob is leaving his father’s house. God knows all of Jacob’s behaviors, yet He sends him a message in a dream. God tells Jacob how He is going to bless him and his family in more ways than Jacob could ever imagine.


You would think with all of Jacob’s bad behavior God would not be looking to bless him, but to discipline him. We learn the depths of God’s goodness and grace through Jacob’s story. Although he did go through some very difficult times - his uncle mistreated him the same way he did his brother - his behavior did not stop God’s ordained blessing that He had prepared in advance for his life.


God wants us to know that no matter what we have done in our bad behavior, nothing will stop His plan for our life if we just say yes. Listen, God loves us so much that every single thing we have done or will do wrong has already been paid for. Jesus came and died for all of our sins before we were even born. I know it can be hard to comprehend, but that is the unconditional love God has given to each of us. Every soul belongs to Him and He has prepared this special gift for us to receive so we can walk in total and complete freedom.  This does not mean we are free to sin, but our soul’s desire should be to glorify God and follow His every command. To God be the glory! Amen.


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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God’s Timing: Moses


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