God’s Power
Not by might, not by power but by my Spirit says the Lord of host. Zechariah 4:6
Zechariah was a prophet that God used to speak to the people of Israel after they had come out of captivity in Babylon. King Cyrus decreed throughout his empire that any captive Jews in Babylon who desired could return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.
In one of the many visions Zechariah received from God, he was given instructions to give to Zerubbabel, to encourage him in completing the building of the temple of God. God told Zechariah that the power to build the temple would not come from Zerubbabel, but from God.
When we are trying to accomplish the things, God has placed in our heart, remember: it is never meant for us to do in our own strength. Our ability comes from God. When Noah built the ark, it was not in his own strength, but direction from God. We see this too in the story of King David. Every time he went to battle, he asked God, “Should I go up, will you give them into my hands?” David did not approach a battle (or most any issue) without first checking in with God. Neither did he rely on himself to lead the people of Israel. He knew that all strength and direction came from the source who had put him in the position to lead.
Might focuses on collective strength, the resources of a group or army. Power focuses on an individual strength. God says not by the resources of many or one, but by His Spirit you are made strong. Zerubbabel was to focus only on the Holy Spirit for everything they needed. God promised Zerubbabel that he would finish the work of the temple with a capstone, and God showed Zechariah that He would be the complete supplier for Israel. There was no need to look for any other resource.
We get so distracted by our ability, our strength, or what little resources we have while trying to walk out what God has placed in our hearts to do. This scripture is a reminder to all of us that we are servants of the most high God. All that He has called us to do has already been supplied by Him. We need only to look to Him and be encouraged.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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